Neobux Recycling Strategy - How to Use Neobux Auto Recycle and When to Recycle?

By Admin on 12/27/2014 10:33 PM


As you know, rented referrals (RR) is the name of the game at Neobux. Simply put, the more active RR's you have, the more money you will make. A lot of users think they can make profit from Neobux without recycling. That kind of thinking leads to improper account management. Even the admin of Neobux says that recycling aggressively is a surefire way to success. The fact is that people stop clicking, and they need to be replaced.

So in this post, we are going to cover some simple recyling strategies.

Neobux has a cool feature called auto recycle where a referral is recycled for free if they do not click in 14 days. You should take full advantage of that feature, however, 14 days is too long of a period to wait. There are certain times when, if you feel for certain that a referral isn’t going to be profitable you should manually recycle that referral.

The exceptions to this rule are standard members. With the rate of 0.001 per click and the fact that recycling costs $0.07, you are prone to lose money if you recycle. As a standard member do not recycle, instead use auto recycle to your advantage.

For upgraded members, you may want to look at Auto-Renew

What is Auto-Renew and why should you use it?

Firstly, auto pay only works if the referral:
* Has 20 days remaining
* Is actively clicking

Each time a referral clicks, 1 day will be added to their expiration date. So, you are automatically paying for them from your rental balance. It is useful if you have a lot of referrals and don't want to renew them. Your referrals will not expire as long as they are clicking, and you will save 10% in renewal fees over time.

AutoRenew is a relatively new feature in Neobux - the way it work is simple - you can choose when you would like to renew a RR, and for how long. For example, you can renew a RR for 30 days just 3 days before the RR's expiration date.

The discounts are as follows:
15 days - no discount
30 days - 5% discount
60 days - 10% discount
90 days - 18% discount
150 days - 25% discount
240 days - 30% discount

240 days is actually 8 months! That means you don't have to worry about renewing that referral for 9 months, and you are receiving the maximum discount possible.

When you have enough money to renew for 90 days, turn AutoPay off, and turn on AutoRenew. Depending on how many referrals you have, and how much $$$ you have in your balance, select the discount days that best fits you.

AutoPay vs Auto-Renew

AutoPay is more useful for standard members than upgraded members. Why? Because at some point, renewing is more beneficial than using auto pay. AutoPay will give you a 10% discount, but if you renew for 90 days, the same 10% discount you will get for 60 days of renewing. When you renew for 90 days, your discount is 18%, which is higher than that of AutoPay, that is why at this point you should turn AutoPay off.

Neobux AutoPay Prices

So in summary, as a standard member, you should use auto recycle - there is no work needed on your part as it happens automatically. Turn on AutoPay to get the maximum discount. After upgrading to Golden, turn off AutoPay and turn on Auto-Renew.

To monitor your referral's activities, Neobux has a number system. This system lets you know whether you are profiting (2.0+), breaking even (2.0), or losing money (2.0-). Constantly recycle inactive RRs. Recycling costs 0.07 per RR and it is better to recycle in the long run.

With the RR's on auto-renew, you are paying for the upkeep of these referrals. You want to constantly recycle until you have a high average (2.0 or higher). For standard members, anything less than 2.0 means you are losing money. Keep recycling until you have a team of active users. I recommend recycling anyone that has not clicked in 4 days.

*Note: This is true for upgraded members. Neobux reduced the earning rate for standard members to $0.001 per click, drastically reducing their earnings. Because of these lower earnings, standard members should recycle conservatively and use auto-recycle more often.

How Aggressively Should You Recycle?

The basic rule of thumb is recycle any referral whose average is less than 1.0 and has not clicked in 4 days.

Let's examine a few scenarios, and see what our course of action should be.

Neobux Rented Referrals
This referral is clearly an active clicker and profitable for you. We’d put a lock on this referral. A lock ensures that you cannot recycle a referral by accident.
Neobux Rented Referrals
This referral is also profitable. There is nothing you need to do at this point. However, if they stop clicking, you should monitor them closely.
Neobux Rented Referrals
Although active recently, this is clearly not a profitable pattern. Monitor this one, and recycle if not active within 4 days.
Neobux Rented Referrals
This one was only active one day out of the week. Not profitable. Recycle as soon as it reaches 4 days of inactivity.
Neobux Rented Referrals
This one is only somewhat profitable. Monitor this one. Recycle if average falls below 1.0, or not active within 4 days.


These are just general guidelines to follow. There is no one size fits all answer for recycling, it is something you need to do constantly and see if it gets you better results. You need to recognize referral's clicking patterns so you can identify which ones are good and which ones are bad. In the Neobux Ultimate Strategy, we cover a complete recycling strategy to help you increase your clicking average. To get the course right away, go to our sales page.

The key to having a high average is to constantly monitor your referrals, and develop a strategy based on how your referrals click. Your strategy should be based on these fundamental rules and the suggestions we give below.

Do we recycle referrals that used to be active? We find that it is always painful to part ways with a referral that used to be very active. Dedicated clickers are hard to find, but many of them stop being active or “take a break” from clicking.

If a RR has over 100 clicks total, recycle after 10 days of inactivity. If they are inactive for 14 days, the system will automatically recycle them anyways. Like the old saying goes, “used to bees don’t make honey.” If you are not profiting from them today, then are not useful to you.

Use auto-recycle to your advantage. If a RR has not clicked in a while, and is nearing the 14 day deadline, then let the system auto-recycle them. You should focus on manually recycling RR’s who have not clicked in 4 days to 10 days.

Recycle 10% at a time. An important rule for users of all levels to follow is to always have money in your rental balance. If you don’t have money in your rental balance, the money will be deducted from your main balance automatically. If you see a lot of inactive RR’s, you will be tempted to recycle all of them. If there are too many, don’t drain your funds, recycle 10% every day. If there are 100 inactive RR’s, recycle 10 of them every day.

Lock down good clickers. If you have a good clicker, use the lock feature to keep that referral from being recycled. Even if they are not active in a few days, chances are they will return to clicking. You can identify golden RR’s by monitoring their averages – if their average is 4.0 to 8.0, they are a golden member – never recycle them!

We try to explain this concept as simply as we can, so hopefully that made sense to you. If you like this post and would like to share with others, please re-tweet it or like it so that others can benefit from this information too.

Benjamin Louie
Neobux Ultimate Strategy



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