Neobux Direct Referrals - Guaranteed Ways to Get Neobux Referrals

By Admin on 02/15/2015 09:29 PM


Getting Neobux direct referrals is crucial if you want to make it big money in Neobux. Unlike rented referrals, you don't have to pay to keep direct referrals, which is what makes them so valuable. Rented referrals will make you money, but in the beginning it is really slow, so having a group of direct referrals under you makes a big difference.

Many Neobux users don't get direct referrals and only focus on rented referrals. This is a mistake because you are only using half of Neobux's true potential. People think that getting Neobux direct referrals costs a lot of money, but in reality, there are many ways to get referrals cheaply, or even free. In this article we will point out ways to get free neobux referrals.


Get Free Referrals for Neobux

You need to join traffic exchanges and promote your sites. As the name implies, it is a way to exchange traffic with others who want their website exposed to the community. A typical traffic exchange offers you credits for viewing websites, and you use credits to gain views on your website. If the surf to view ratio is 1:1, then 1 view equals 1 credit, and 1 credit will get you 1 visitor on your site.

Traffic exchanges work because only those who are interested in Neobux will sign up, and when they do, they are motivated to click because they want to. You expose your referral links to the entire community, and will only capture the attention of those who are interested, just like you would only click on sites you are interested in.

There are countless traffic exchanges on the web, some are good, while most of them are crap. So deciding which ones to join can be a pain for many people. We've tried many traffic exchanges and many of them didn't make the cut. We will give you our top list below.

#1 - EasyHits4U

EasyHits4U is one of the biggest traffic exchanges around, with a user base with over 1 million members. This is one site you can't ignore if you want to get a lot of referrals. Their system is easy to use and they have tons of tools for you to promote your websites. You can even earn a little bit of cash from EasyHits4U, so give it a try.



#2 - TrafficG

TrafficG is an old traffic exchange but it still delivers. What's unique about it is that it lets you automatically assign credits to your websites so you can run it on auto-pilot. Also, you can contact your referrals through their email address through TrafficG's platform.



#2 - 10kHits

10khits has been delivering traffic since 2011. It is an auto-surf site, meaning you don't need to manually surf to get credits. If all you want are hits to your website, then 10khits is for you.



All you have to do is regsiter on their website and start surfing to get credits, and use those credits to promote your referral links. But of course, this process has to be done correctly, otherwise you will waste your credits and your time.

By the way, in the Neobux Ultimate Strategy, we will show you how to use EasyHits4U and other traffic exchanges effectively so you can get referrals for Neobux without breaking a sweat. The link is at the end of this newsletter, so keep reading below.

This is good start if you are a new user. However, there are many more ways to get direct referrals, which we will not list here. In the Neobux Ultimate Strategy we list more advanced ways to get tons of referrals...and what's even better is that you can get referrals on auto-pilot - do the work once and reap the rewards forever. If that sounds good to you then, you definitely want to get your hands on this guide.


Find People in PTC Forums

What better way to meet other like-minded people than PTC Forums? These places are a goldmine for people who want to get Neobux referrals. Finding them is easy, however, not all of them are good (or active). So finding a good forum requires some research. Once you find a good one, bookmark it for later use. Bookmark several of your favorite forums so you can log in at your convenience.

The important thing here is to not spam people. They will simply ignore you. Many PTC users spam non-stop, hoping to get some referrals. What you need to do is build relationships with other members - offer to join their sites if they join yours.


Make Youtube Videos

Making youtube videos is one of the best free ways to get direct referrals. All you need to do is make a short, informational video about your PTC. I recommend using SnagIt to record videos on your screen.

Then all you need to do is use basic Youtube SEO on your video so you can rank it on youtube. When people search for a PTC, your will video will show up in the search results and they will view your video and click on your referral link. In the Neobux Ultimate Strategy, we will show you how to grow your Youtube channel to over 1,000 subscribers so your channel becomes popula...which of course means more referrals for you.


Buy Referrals for Neobux

If you are lazy like many people are, you don't want to do a lot of work to get referrals. Doing it the free ways mentioned above has one advantage - it's free. However, it will take a lot of time and effort to do it the free way. If you have some money to spend you can buy Neobux referrals through advertising.

Traffic exchanges are good for getting traffic to your website. But the best way to use traffic exchanges is to use them to build a list. Once someone has subscribed to your mailing list, then you can promote as many offers as you want as many times as you want.

If you use traffic exchanges to promote only Neobux, for example, you will not get good results. Firstly, if they are already in Neobux, then they will not be interested, and you've lost them. Secondly, you only have 10 to 15 seconds to get someone's attention in traffic exchanges. Most likely they will not register on the spot, and skip over the site.

So what you need to do is build a list and increase your following. The list will be exclusively yours and you can promote anything you want at anytime. Your emails will be sent directly to your subscriber's inbox, where you will have their full attention.

In the Neobux Ultimate Strategy, we show you all the sites that we use for advertising - to get referrals. Advertising PTC's are easy compared to Neobux. Because it's so famous, it is hard to get Neobux referrals.


Get the Ultimate Strategy

Here is a partial list of what you will get from the course:

* How to get 40+ direct referrals virtually overnight for any PTC you want

* How to set up a system that allows you to get referrals on auto-pilot

* How to avoid common pitfalls that 90% of users make that prevents them from succeeding - don't follow these rules, and you will end up like most others

* How to determine which referrals are profitable and which ones to recycle, leaving you an army of active clickers

* And much, much more!

We shouldn't even call it an online course, it is more like a blueprint to success with Neobux. It works for any PTC, since they all have one thing in common - the ability to get you direct referrals.

Don't skip this very important step - because if you have 0 direct referrals you are walking with only one leg - can you imagine how hard it is to walk with one leg?

But don't take our word for it, many Neobux users (Golden members and higher) have benefited from the eBook. Ever since word got out, more and more people are finding out about the eBook and getting their hands on it, so don't miss out and grab a copy today.

To visit our press release, please go to:



Benjamin Louie
Neobux Ultimate Strategy



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