What is the Best Browser for Using PTC Sites? How to Block Unwanted Popups Using Opera

By Admin on 02/21/2019 02:01 PM


Are you sick and tired of those annoying pop ups that keep showing up without your permission? Imagine this...you are on a PTC site and you click on an ad, and suddenly, a pop up appears in front of your face. It's annoying to deal with and you just want to get rid of it. I'm going to show you how to get rid of those ads and pop ups for good, as well as what is the best browser to use for PTC sites.

The best browser to use is Opera, and Chrome is in second place. Click here to get the latest version of Opera and click here to get the latest version of Chrome.

Tabbed browsing in browsers

I have chosen Opera because of its speed and convenience. There is something called tabbed browsing that will make your life easier. This is how it works. Go to all your website and bookmark them and save them into one folder called PTC Sites.

PTC Browser

All you have to do is right click on the folder and click on "Open all" to open all your favorite sites at once. If you surf a lot of PTC sites, this is a big time saver. It is better than having to open each website one at a time.

PTC Browser

You can do the same thing in Chrome, the steps are the same as above. Bookmark all your websites and save them into one folder.

PTC Browser

You can put as many websites as you want in the folder, and all of them will open at once. But try not to put in too many in the folder, or your browser will lose memory. If you knew about this trick, then congratulations, you are already saving them. If you didn't know this, then congratulations, now you know!

PTC Browser

The next thing you need to do is set up ad blocker. On Opera, go to this url: http://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/popup-blocker-ultimate and do a 1 click install of the addon. The screen should look like the screen shot below.

PTC Browser

The addon's icon will appear to the top right corner. Click on the icon and you will get a list of options. You can test your popup blocker, allow or deny the last popup request, ignore popup notifications, or click on options to see more options.

PTC Browser

Adblock Plus

In Chrome, the process to install an ad blocker is similar, except that the plugin goes by a different name. Google "Adblock Plus" and go to their home page. It is also a 1 click installation process, it's fast and easy. You don't even have to restart your browser.

PTC Browser

Adblock Plus is one of the best plugins that have been around for many years. It will block ads for you, and you can also use it to block certain elements that you don't want to see. It could be an ad that wasn't detected, or a picture that you don't like. Adblock Plus also automatically blocks ads on Youtube videos, so you can watch videos and actually enjoy them.

Firefox is another browser that has an ad blocker, and I feel that is a stable browser, so it would be my 3rd choice. But no matter what browser you pick, do not use Internet Explorer - it has too many problems and it will hinder your browsing experience. Remember, your time is valuable - so you shouldn't have to deal with non-sense that will distract you from your goals.

I hope you found this newsletter useful. If it helped you put, please share it on social media so you can help your friends out.

See you on the other side!

Benjamin Louie
Neobux Ultimate Strategy



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