Attention: The special discount is available in the next 24 hours only!

Special Discount Will End In...


Dear PTC User,

Making money online seems to be getting harder and harder, isn't it? When you join a PTC site, all you have to do is click a few ads and earn a few cents, and then rent some referrals. But that just isn't enough. In the Neobux Ultimate Strategy, we've covered the key to being successful is direct referrals.

It's a known fact that having a PTC mini-site that lists your PTC's is a good way to get referrals. All you have to do is promote one link.

Hi, this is Benjamin. I have been a PTC user since 2009 - I have joined many sites in my PTC journey - some good, some bad, some ugly. I've done the same things everyone else has - I joined a bunch of sites and promoted all of my referral links at once - and it was exhausting work!

However, I had one thing that put me at an advantage over many others - my background is in web design and web development. I've seen a few people make a PTC website, so I decided to do that, so I can get direct referrals. All I had to do was promote my website, and the referrals automatically joined my bux sites.


Promoting PTC's is a LOT of Hard Work

I know how you feel because I've been there. I was trying to promote Neobux and everything else at the same time, joining forums, doing downline builders, and buying banner ads for 15 to 20 sites at a time. It just made me overwhelmed and exhausted. I knew I could not keep that up.

So I created my PTC website and I decided to promote only that website and nothing else. It made my work a lot easier, and I was seeing more results than before! Promoting one link instead of 15 to 20 is the best strategy you can implement.


That's nice, but I don't have a website...

If you are like thousands of others, you have probably tried to make your own website, but with no success. You've probably tried blogger, weebly, and maybe google websites, and some other free services. And you find out that you get what you paid for - complicated and messy editors, unclear instructions, and ultimately, the result is not what you want.

A free service is better than nothing, right? But you have no control over the design, the content, and overall feel of the website. Seriously, if you do not like your own website, how do you think your visitors will feel? And if they don't like the website, why would they join as your referral?

Presentation is everything - your site needs to be clean and professional to lure people to joining your PTC's. I have seen a lot of "ugly" looking websites, and I am surprised that people are actually promoting them. If I were them I would just shut it down and start from scratch...

Your website could be losing referrals right now as we speak


Even if you want to have a website...

You have to pay for web hosting fees, don't you? And on top of that, someone has to design it for you, and that costs money too. Probably more than you can afford. Most sites costs anywhere between $400 to $500 dollars, even for a simple design. For more advanced designs, the site can cost an arm and a leg.

For a PTC user, that is out of your budget - so you have to settle for the free service - and I already went over why they don't work.


What I Discovered

Advertising one site may bring you some referrals, but it is inefficient, and you are leaving a lot of people out. Imagine this: you are advertising your Neobux link, and if your prospects are already in Neobux, then they will not be interested, and then they will leave and you've wasted your efforts.

Advertising all your sites may seem like a better idea, but that is very time consuming. You join new sites and remove scam sites, so you have to update your website list often. That's when I realized that having a PTC mini-site is a must. To not have one is like going to battle without any weapons! To survive in this business (the PTC business), you must be properly equipped with the right tools, lest you will not survive.


Introducing PTC Mini-Sites

Just imagine...

A single page that allows you to promote all your sites with just one link...

A mini-site service that lists all your favorite websites, customized specifically for YOUR needs

A website with up to 10 pages, that has everything you want on it - Facebook apps, widgets, payment proofs, rotating banners, etc.


Our Special Offer

The PTC Mini-Site is my answer to the problems stated above. A mini-site seems like a simple thing, but it is a powerful tool you can have in your arsenal. It doesn't matter if you just started PTC's, having a mini-site will gain you instant credibility with your visitors - and they will join with people that they trust.

PTC Mini-Sites


PTC Mini-Site Features

  • Small One Time Fee & Free Hosting

    For a small one time fee, you will keep the mini-site for life! You will not have to pay any hosting fees or any web design fees whatsoever! You will get your own hosting account login - and access your site whenever you wish - get all the features without the hassle.

  • Promote All Your Sites with Your Own Unique URL

    In addition to web design and free hosting, you will receive your own domain name -, where "yoursite" is a username of your choice - this domain name is yours completely free!

  • Unlimited Updates for Free

    After the initial mini-site is completed, you can request unlimited updates for 6 months! Think of it as working side by side with your own web designer.

  • Quality & Quickness - Satisfaction Guaranteed!

    After your initial order, we will be working with you on your PTC Mini-Site. It will be completed with 6 to 7 days. All the speed without sacrificing quality.

  • Keep Your Files Forever

    These website files are 100% yours to keep. Unlike some other "shady" companies we will not keep your files hostage. You are the owner and you can do whatever you want with these files.

  • Also included are the many bonuses - consider it a thank you for trying us out - keep reading for more details

Now take a deep breath...


Are you excited about having your own mini-site yet? If not then you should scroll up and read the features over - did I mention that free web hosting will be provided, on top of a completely built website?

Think about how much companies charge you for a services like that... $10 for the domain name, and $100 to $150 a year for the hosting service...on top of other miscellaneous fees. But we will help you bypass this step by giving you free web hosting for life!

We offer you (2) choices:

Your site is hosted on, where yoursite is a username of your choice

Your site is hosted on, where yoursite is a username of your choice

Don't worry, we won't put any advertisements on your site - they are 100% under your ownership. That's saying alot, considering some free services put ads on the top and bottom of your site. Who really wants that on their site?



Sample Layouts

If you're wondering what kind of designs are available, then check these out.

These works of art could be yours if you take action today!

Sample Site A

PTC Mini-Sites

Sample Site B

PTC Mini-Sites

Sample Site C

PTC Mini-Sites

Sample Site D

PTC Mini-Sites

These are some of our most popular layouts. Many more layouts available upon request.

This is a time limited offer! This offer runs out when we run out of hosting space on our server. Who knows, maybe we will shut down this page by tonight midnight. That's why you should act now while this is still up. If you're ready to take action, click here.


What if I Already Have a Website?

No problem. If you already have a domain hosted somewhere else, we will update your site and give it a complete makeover - at no additional cost.

Like we said, these files are yours to keep no matter what. You will get unlimited hosting space on - and if at some point in the future, you wishto move your website to another server, we will transfer your website for you at no extra charge.

Did you know...

That the top banner (the ones that are 729 x 90) receive twice as many referrals as regular banners? Make your favorite PTC the top banner, and watch the referrals roll in. Once you max out your direct referrals, switch your top banner to another PTC.

People are more likely to join when you put payment proofs on your website? If you've received a cashout from Neobux, then put that screenshot on your site, and link that screenshot to your referral link. It's just another trick that people use to get referrals - and of course, they don't want to share their secrets with you.

Even if you have a PTC website, chances are you are not using it correctly - you are not maximizing your rate of return.


But you don't have to believe us, just take a look
at what past customers have to say...




PTC Mini-Site Bonus

The Neobux Ultimate Strategy - As a thank you for being a customer, we are sending you our best selling product, in fact, the #1 product in the PTC industry - The Neobux Ultimate Strategy - and it's yours absolutely free when you order a mini-site today!

Hurry up and get the offer, because we don't know how much longer we the bonus will be available for. After all, we can't afford to give away free products all day!

NUS Ultimate Strategy


The NUS will teach you how to:

  • How to get 40+ direct referrals virtually overnight for any PTC you want

  • How to set up a system that allows you to get referrals on auto-pilot

  • How to avoid common pitfalls that 90% of users make that prevents them from succeeding - don't follow these rules, and you will end up like most others

  • How to determine which referrals are profitable and which ones to recycle, leaving you an army of active clickers

  • And much, much more!


PTC Mini-Site Bonus

NUS Ultimate Strategy


The NUS will teach you how to:

  • How to set up a PTC system that allows you to get referrals on auto-pilot, set it and forget it!

  • How to make yourself the authority to your subscribers, and have them hungry for your offers, practically begging to be your referrals

  • A cheap, affordable way to get referrals instantly without doing "complicated" work - in other words, how to spend a little bit and get a lot

  • A hidden trick that virtually no one knows about that can double your referral sign-ups instantly How to get 40+ direct referrals virtually overnight for any PTC you want

  • And much, much more!


You will get all that absolutely free when you order a mini-site today!



Our 60 Day Money Back Guarantee


If you are not completely satisfied with your new website, you can ask for a full refund within 60 days of purchase. That's how confident we are about this service. In fact, you can keep all your website files with no obligations whatsoever, consider it as a gift for trying PTC Mini-Sites.

If you are not happy with the service provided, we will give you a refund on your money. Note that paypal charges a fee for all transactions. You will get the entire amount back minus the paypal fees.

With our money back guarantee, we've essentially taken the risk from you, so you can order with confidence. Give the PTC Mini-Sites a try today. Satisfaction guaranteed!


Now that we've listed all the benefits, how much do you think the PTC Mini-Site should cost?

Don't companies usually charge $500 to $1000 for a complete website?

But you're not going to pay $1000. (That's ridiculous!)

You're not going to pay $500.

Not even $200!

The PTC Mini-Sites will cost you
a one time fee of $67.00

I think you'll agree that's a very good price compared to a lot of other web design services. It's not just a discount, it's a steal! We are only doing this special offer as a special incentive to you as a customer the Neobux Ultimate Strategy.

This is the part where I'm supposed to explain to you the value that you're getting, so here it is...

Web Design Service $297.00
Free Updates & Tech Support $297.00
Free Webhosting & Domain Name $97.00
Neobux Ultimate Strategy Guide $97.00
NUS Video Course $97.00

Total value: $885.00

You pay: $67.00


But it is a limited time offer - after this week, the service will be back to its regular price of $197.00 - so grab your website today!

But I wouldn't wait on this - due to high demand, tons of hosting space is being used up. Once we run out of hosting space, the offer is over, and this page will be shut down.


Get Your Own PTC Mini-Site Today!

Get Your Website Now For
Only $97 $67.00

Yes, I want to have my own PTC Website for this special price of $67.00 available only for a limited time!

Yes, I understand that by ordering this product, I also get the classic Neobux Ultimate Strategy guide absolutely free!

Yes, I understand that I also get access to the NUS Video Course, absolutely free just for being a customer!

Order Now


Other payment options: Pay with Bitcoins


Upon purchase of your mini-site, you will receive access to the Neobux Ultimate Strategy members area, where you can read the strategy guide and video tutorials.

Remember, you can request unlimited updates to the Mini-Site after the completion period. Think of it as having your own web designer working side by side with you for free!

At this point, there is nothing further to explain - we've already told you all the features you're going to receive, and the unbelievable value for such a low price. If you're still not convinced, then you should scroll up and read it over, because clearly you missed something crucial.

Remember, you can make money, or make excuses, but not both. Hopefully by now you've decided to take action and order your mini site today, and we will see you on the other side!


Warm regards,

Benjamin Louie
PTC Mini-Sites
Neobux Ultimate Strategy


P.S. If you order today, you will receive your bonus ebook, the Neobux Ultimate Strategy guide that changed the entire industry, and the video course, absolutely free!

P.P.S. This offer will expire once we run out of hosting space on our server, so act now! Who knows, maybe we will shut down this page by tonight midnight. Take action immediately and don't miss out. In case you missed the order button, here it is again...

Order Now



PTC Mini-Sites
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